Tuesday, October 28, 2008

And Yet Another New Job

As the ModernGal so succinctly commented on this post, one job can certainly lead to another. That's exactly what it did for me.

After accepting the previously mentioned job, and being scheduled for yet another interview at the second hospital for yet another position, I was finally called and offered the job that I had been hoping for! It's not a dream job, it's an entry-level, foot-in-the-door job as a nursing assistant. Apparently they appreciated the fact that while I do not have the certification to be a certified nursing assistant (yet), I do have certification as an EMT. Starting next week I will be working in the surgical/trauma ward handling all of those lowly duties that a nurse does not usually do.

The pros of this position outweigh the pros of the previous accepted job as a therapy aide. This job requires more use of my brain and skills than simply transporting patients from point A to point B and back again; my starting pay is higher with room to increase the pay (at the previous position I would have come in at the top of their pay scale); I have the chance to work 12 hours shifts, thereby being home more often for the kids versus being gone from 7:00 to 5:30 five days per week; fewer miles to drive to get to work; insurance for the health system of which our current doctors are a part of (versus having to pay more for out of network providers or switching all of our doctor to new doctors yet again). The biggest con is that I will work rotating shifts but on the plus side, never later than 10 pm.

So while I'm feeling a little nervous about meeting new people, learning a new position, and all of the potential screw-ups that I could make providing patient care, I'm excited to have something fall into place.

I debated long and hard between the two positions, hashing it out with Mr. Irony and my mom, but in the end went with my gut. Upon being offered the first position my feelings were "Meh, it's a paycheck", but upon being offered this position I was "Yes! This is where I was hoping to be!". Decision made. Now I guess we'll see if it was a good decision after all.


Diane said...

whoo hoo! That's great news.

Nichole M said...

Hooray! That's great news. I'm sure you'll do great!

Granny Nanny said...

Found your blog through the Real Life Fairytale Princess...Good luck on the job and follow your gut! Your blog made for some nice reading!

miwise said...

Congratulations on getting the job you wanted. Work days are easier when we're where we want to be. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

HOORAY!!!!!! Oh I am SO excited for you. This is major good news and I hope you are doing a major happy dance of joy. You go!!! You inspire me - good for you!!!!!


PS - I tagged you for a meme!

Shania said...

Congratulations! And I won't say "I told you so", but only because I can't remember if I did or not. But I totally thought it.

~**Dawn**~ said...

Man, when it rains, it pours huh? Same thing happened to me four & a half years ago when I got the job I have now. When you know, you *know*.

The Modern Gal said...

That's great! It sounds perfect.

Vanessa said...

Chiming in late but congratulations on the position you really wanted. When it rains it pours it seems.